Tuesday 15 May 2012

IAS cut off: Strategies, Ways and Means to achieve it!

Clearing IAS cut off is the first and foremost aim of ever civil services aspirant. In this section we would like to talk about the means and ways to clear IAS cut off.  It is not the aptitude that would count but also the mental toughness and presence of mind would also play an equal role. The following strategy is advisable to clear the exam:

1. Practice as many questions as possible to clear the IAS cut off.

2. It is advisable to solve the previous year question papers.

3. On must go through the question papers of previous two years as many times as possible.

4. Try to analyze the question from different perspectives. If you are able make a guess that why the particular question has been asked in the G.S. question paper, you can predict a few questions for the forthcoming paper as well.  

5. There would be a context to every question that is been asked in the G.S paper. Thus be familiar with the current happenings across the globe. Not just the events but there context is also very important. 

6. It is essential to know the areas where one is weak and strong at.

7. Few subjects like Economics, Geography and Environment cannot be ignored at any cost.

8. In Paper 2, the difficulty level of Mathematics is of High School level. Thus if one practice this section well, it will pay high returns.

9. There are always questions on topics like Time and Distance, Probability, Permutation and Combinations. These topics should be covered from all the dimensions. One must practice the questions on this very meticulously.

10.  Reasoning is also one of the areas where difficulty level is not very high. Reasonable number of questions practiced from this area will yield very good premium.

11. As far as reasoning is concerned it is expected that the difficulty level would go up in the future years. Thus one must be ready to see unexpected questions from this particular section.

12. Data interpretation is the area which is little bit tricky, but again the mastery can be gained with optimum practice.

13. Even if one is very strong in one area, or a particular area has been one of the subjects during the academic life, one should always revise the area at least once before the prelims.

1 comment:

  1. Preparing for IAS general studies and csat exam and being enrolled in the general studies for IAS exam and csat question bank at http://www.wiziq.com/course/4870-ias-general-studies-and-csat-prelims-question-bank I was looking for similar information. Still I have a query, please tell me about whether to go for Hindi as a essay or for English in the IAS exam?
